Jumat, 19 Juni 2020
Interdisciplinary Unit Between I&S (Social Studies) and Visual Arts [Part 2]
Cultural belonging is our first choice theme when we meet graduated primary students whose stepping teenager phases. The initial intention was to introduce the concept of the individual before venturing into the "another dimension" namely society. To overwhelm them with many definitions will certainly not make them familiar with what and how they have lived so far. From the closest environment; the families, friends, and schools, these newbie teenagers build an understanding of themselves. Then deliver them to the so-called identity conceptual. The works are made by Grade 7 students.
Interdisciplinary Unit Between I&S (Social Studies) and Visual Arts [Part 1]
Interdisciplinary unit of "Who Am I" in the perspective of cultural belonging. The works have been done as an interdependence (mutual-collaboration) project between Individuals and Societies (Social Studies) and Visual Arts lessons in the year academic 2019 by Grade 7 students.
Confessions (2010): Generasi Stroberi yang Lembek
Siapapun yang nyoba jadi guru baik, pasti akan berusaha berpikir positif (dan objektif) jika suatu saat menemui kasus menimpa muridnya. Yaa, setuju, pun mengamini niatan baik itu. Dan itu memang menjadi keharusan, di tengah penyakit stereotip yang masih dilakukan kami, para guru. Satu hal yang juga tak boleh diabaikan. Benang pembatas hubungan guru-murid pun mesti tegas, agar kami tak mudah kena manipulasi. Inilah yang susah, karena di usia remaja, mereka sudah pandai bermain peran (George H. Mead).
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